
User NameMekk
Location Warszawa, Poland
Local Time6:26 PM
AccountFull Member
Date RegisteredWednesday, November 23, 2005
Last MoveMonday, May 21, 2018
Moves58,231 (0 this month)
Forum Posts2,161 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1907 (299)
Rating (Chess960)1700 (319)
Class TournamentsCT Class 3
TeamChess Improvement Club II
TeamChess960 Match against GM Matthias Kribben
TeamSchemingMind Club Friendly Matches
TeamSchemingMind International Chess960 Matches
TeamSchemingMind Wiki
TeamTranslation Group
ICCF Rating2032


Software developer from Poland.

*** My SchemingMind-related activities ***

SmTuning is a Firefox extension which I wrote to improve SchemingMind
interface a bit. For details and download see

SmWiki is a project I started to create and maintain SchemingMind
help/documentation pages. Read them at
(or from the menu - More volunteers are needed
to improve those docs, document missing topics, proofread pages, etc.
See for details (and
feel free to contact me in case of technical problems).

*** Some informal notes ***

I tried almost every SM variant. My current opinion of what is worth

*** Playing against me ***

The clock is part of the game. So I claim wins on time. Especially
if you timed out and continue playing without any comment.

I am often overoptimistic, and start too many games. To handle them
afterwards, I must prioritize them somehow. This is why I sometimes
wait until the official start date with my first move, or stop moving
for weeks in leisure games.

I am usually closed to challenges (I prefer tournaments and matches). If you have some special reason to play me, send me a message.

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