Thomas Jacob Kelly

NameThomas Jacob Kelly
User NameKoops
Location Indiana, United States
Local Time22:23
AccountFull Member
Date RegisteredSaturday, 15 October 2016
Last MoveSaturday, 27 July 2024
Moves77,584 (588 this month)
Forum Posts149 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1765 (85)
Rating (Chess960)1572 (114)
Class TournamentsCT Class 2
TeamApple Pie
Teamscheming kNights


I'm a little shy.

For anyone who wants details, I'm 30, I'm a Christian, I have two four-year college degrees (related fields of study, though), and I need to think seriously about a long-term career.  Any further details, you would have to ask for during a game.  While I'm more than happy to engage in conversation, I just don't like starting the talk myself.

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