Gerrish Gray

NameGerrish Gray
User NameGerrish
Location Wimborne, Dorset, England
Local Time02:42
Date RegisteredThursday, 05 February 2015
Last MoveTuesday, 01 June 2021
Moves4,089 (0 this month)
Forum Posts18 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2053 (215)
Class TournamentsCT Class 2
TeamICCF Rated International Friendly Matches
TeamInternational Chess Friends
ICCF Rating2002


Born 1945. A widower since 2009 and largely retired from business now (was in IT and still do a little web hosting etc).
Only returned to playing chess actively in 2015 after over 40 years (apart from occasional 'casual' games). Thoroughly enjoying my return. Correspondence chess only at present - and pleased to find that it's not so different to way back when, but now much easier to make friendships with opponents around the world thanks to web communication rather than the good old postcards!
Other interests include cycle racing, motorsport, genealogy, science and cosmology ...

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