Chess News Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus
ICCF Congress Proposals 2024


The time has now come to review ICCF Rule change proposals for Congress

WCCF Premium members please review the list and let me know your views ( For or Against). If you have any strong views on any please let me know and this will be added to the spreadsheet.

For those involved we will then review and debate until a common view is achieved.

It is important this year that we get maximum input as there are some "interesting" proposals this year, which could have significant implications.

Out of interest - my own initial view has 21 for and 11 against!

Closing date for Input 31/7/24

Send your input to Russell Sherwood

IM Norm for Alex Sherwood

Congratulations to Alex Sherwood on picking up an IM Norm in Ubirajara Oliveira Barroso Memorial - B  

and on completing a 1st year at University!

#Correspondencechess #Iccf #ImNorm

4th States and Regions Team Tournament

32 teams entered so far...... don't miss out on your chance to enter the strongest Open Team Tournament, outside the Champions League!

If you don't have a team and would like to take part please get in touch with Russell Sherwood


Valleys Fire
Pawn Sacrifice Bremen
Philippines North
Lokomotiv Mezdra
Westhoughton Schemers
Southern Ukraine
Subcarpathian - Rymanów City
Southeast Brazil A
Florida Knights
Western Ukraine
Valleys Power
Central Hungary
Cuban Fighters
I Toscanacci
Costa da Morte
Zemgale Latvia
Mindanao Team
Isabela Knight Raiders
Warriors of the Perla del Sur
Yorkshire A
Le Roc de France
Wartburg Thüringen
CAPEA - Tartessos
Cuban Lions
Philippine Rise
Caimanes del Caribe



British Correspondence Chess Championship 2024-26

The British Correspondence Chess Championship (BCCC) is the premier tournament on the British CC calendar.  Running continuously since 1921 and open to all British players, the BCCC has carried ICCF title norms since 2016.  The BCCC caters for players of all levels and consists of a Championship section, one or more Candidate sections and a number of Reserve sections.

The BCCC is organized jointly by the English Federation for Correspondence Chess (EFCC), the Scottish Correspondence Chess Association (ScoCCA) and the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation (WCCF).

Further details of the tournament, including the full rules and a list of previous winners, are available on the WCCF website:

Entries close on 31st August 2024 with play due to commence in September 2024.  Entries can be made directly to the Tournament Organizer, Russell Sherwood or via your national federations.  Please note that these are the only entry routes for this event. This event should not be confused with the William Mason Championship

The BCCC is a highly competitive event, and we are unable to confirm a player's final allocation at the time of entry.  Entries and the entry fee of £12 should be received  Russell Sherwood, no later than 30th August 2024.  If you have a qualification to a specific division, please state this at the time of entry.

If you have any enquiries, please direct them to Russell Sherwood, whose email address is [email protected]

#Bccc #Correspondencechess #Iccf #Wccf

WCCF Announces the Fourth States and Regions Correspondence Chess Championship

The States and Regions Correspondence Chess Championship is a biennial team event organized by the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation (WCCF) and open to representative teams from any country of the world. 

Teams must represent a subdivision of a country; this could be a state, county, province, territory, etc. Eligibility to play for each team is determined by the team captain, however, the WCCF Executive Committee retain the right to reject any individual or team entry. Multiple teams (for example “A” and “B” teams) may be entered from the same state or region.

Entries at now accepted at – New Events/Wales


Teams will consist of four players; each player will play one game against each of the other players on the same board.

There will be one or more divisions, each division will consist of thirteen to fifteen teams. Allocation to the first division will be:

  • The first six placed teams from Division One, Season three
  • The first two placed teams from Division Two, Season Three (Promoted)
  • Any vacancies will be filled strictly by rating order

The winning team of Division One will be declared the S&RCCC Champion, and the winning team and first runner-up of the lower divisions will be promoted to the next division.

New teams will normally enter at the lowest division, except by agreement of the WCCF Executive Committee. Teams including fewer than three players from the previous season will be considered as new teams.


All relevant ICCF rules and procedures for international team events current at the start of the tournament will apply.  Team captains are strongly encouraged to arrange boards by rating order and WCCF reserve the right to enforce rating order to correct a detrimental effect on norm availability.  The same player may not represent more than one team in the event or occupy more than one board for the same team.

As the S&RCCC is an ICCF approved tournament, title norms may be available depending on the rating level of each board.

Time Control

The Triple Block time control of 50 days initial time, 50 days bank, and 5 days added for each of the first fifty moves will be used with Guaranteed Time applying after Move 50. 


The States and Regions Correspondence Chess Championship had been approved by ICCF as an Open tournament; international teams may enter by contacting the organisers directly.

The entry fee for each team is 20.00 Euro Direct Entry. Entry may be made via the ICCF Website only – for teams who wish to enter via their National Federation, contact should be made with them to confirm the necessary payment.

Entries will close on 3rd August 2024; games will commence shortly afterwards.

There are no prizes, however, certificates will be awarded to members of the winning team of each division, and free entry will be offered to the winning team of the first division for the following season.



Division 1

Cardiff A


Windy City

Cardiff B

Quattro Tori Lazio


Subcarpathian - Rymanów Cit

Western Ukraine


Division 2

Philippines North

Westhoughton Schemers


Division 3

Volga Moscow

Salzberg 2



#StatesAndRegions #Wccf

Check the ICCF Website!

ICCF is currently having issues with its mailing system.

Several events have been advertised recently which may be of interest to Welsh players.

In addition a mailing was sent to qualified Welsh players with regard to the North Atlantic Team Tournament, a response would be appreciated from those who have already not done so.

Keep an eye our for announcements regarding the British Championships and States and Regions Team tournaments coming soon.


CDCCC 2024

After some less-than-fun issues to deal with , this event should be underway in the next few days, followed by the start of the process for others

#Cdccc2024 #Iccf

Congress Proposals 2024

As we move towards the ICCF Congress 2024, we are calling for any proposals members wish to submit for the review of the WCCF

Any suggestions should be sent to Russell Sherwood


#IccfCongress #Proposals

Friendly Match vs the Netherlands

We have a friendly match planned v the Netherlands, starting late July.

They can match most ratings closely, so we want to field a large team.

If you are interested in taking part, please get in in touch. It may be able to play two boards (4 games total) - if you would like to do this let me know.

Players are reminded that friendly participation is considered in selection criteria for other events. We are particularly interested in players above 2350 taking part.

Russell Sherwood

#Friendlymatch #Iccf #Wccf

Captain for 2nd Rudolf Kolesnikov Memorial Team Tournament Team

We are looking for a non-playing Captain for the 2nd Rudolf Kolesnikov Memorial Team Tournament Team.

The ideal candidate should be rated 2350+, a premium member  and able to work well with a team.

If you are interested, get in touch 


#Iccf #Wccf

11th European Team Championship - Final

This tournament is now completed!

We have known for some time that the Gold in this prestigious event has been won by Wales, and the medals will be presented to the team at our Congress in Llandudno later this year; however we can now confirm the Silver (Austria) and Bronze (Slovenia) medal places.

Following the final result yesterday, we can also now confirm that John Claridge has won Board Three outright for Wales.

Well played John!

2023/24 Medal and Certificate Awards

Players from Wales, England, or further afield, earning an ICCF title (GM, SIM, IM, CCM, CCE or a tournament award) between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024 are cordially invited by the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation to receive their awards personally from the ICCF President at the ICCF awards ceremony, which traditionally takes place on the first day of the annual ICCF Congress.

The 2024 Awards Ceremony will take place at the Imperial Hotel, Llandudno, on the morning of Monday 12th August.  WCCF can arrange overnight accommodation at the Imperial Hotel (please see the online registration form); alternatively, there are several guest houses and B&Bs within easy walking distance.

Players staying overnight in Llandudno, and their partners, are also cordially invited by WCCF to the Welcome Party, buffet meal, and complimentary drinks, also at the Imperial Hotel on the previous evening (depending on numbers, there may be a small charge for players who are not WCCF members - this will be advertised in advance).

Players wishing to attend the Welcome Party and/or the Awards Ceremony MUST register their attendance online before 12th July 2024; any player arriving without having registered will not be awarded with a medal and will not be permitted to enter the Welcome Party.

The full ICCF Congress programme is available here.

The Seventh and Final British Webserver Team Tournament has now Completed

Congratulations to "SchemingMind A" for winning the first division, and to "BCCA Strategists" for winning the second division.

(One game still remains in the second division, but it is not decisive.)

Unfortunately correspondence chess clubs in the United Kingdom have declined dramatically in recent years, culminating in the tragic collapse last year of one of the oldest CC clubs in the world, the British Correspondence Chess Association (BCCA).  A tournament for "clubs" or "member organisations" no longer reflects the reality of the way that British CC is organised in 2024, so this will be the final edition of the BWSTT.

WCCF will continue to offer alternative innovative events for Welsh, British, and International players in the future.

An Invitation to Over the Board Chess Players from North Wales and Chester

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation will be hosting our third international ICCF Congress in Llandudno from 11-15th August 2024.

As part of our programme, we will be running two over the board chess events, a blitz tournament, and a chess match against international correspondence chess players from ICCF.

All over the board players from North Wales and Chester are heartily invited to participate in either or both of these events; entry to both is free.  Please see the attached flier for further details.

Welsh Champs and Qualifiers

The current versions of the event have been deleted, and new events will be launched tomorrow.


Rudolf Kolesknikov Memorial Team Tournament

We are looking to field two teams for the attached under 2300 TEAM event.

If you are Welsh flagged, rated below 2300 and interested in representing Wales please get in touch by the 1st of May.

Russell Sherwood

#Corredpondencechess #IccfAnnouncements #Wccf

2400+ rated Welsh players look out for an email on the WCCC Semi-Finals!

Could you be the one!

#Iccf #WorldChamps

Last Call for Welsh Champs 2024

Last call for the Welsh Champs 2024 - currently we have 13 entries with an average rating of around, 2300

(Sherwood, Wakeham, Sherwood, Bowley, Evans, Grayson, Bastow, Robinson, Jones, Jenkins, Gunn, Morgan and Hurn)

If you wish to take part and are not on the list please get in touch ASAP. With the current entries the event will be played as an All Play All, if more entries are received this may be amended 

Russell Sherwood

#Correspondencechess #Iccf #Wccf

Counties & Districts Correspondence Chess Championship 2024

The Joint British Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Counties and Districts Correspondence Chess Championship.

As in the past the event will be made up of 3 Divisions of teams of 8 players, using the Hutton pairing system. As each player only undertakes 2 games, this is an ideal event for both new and experienced players.

The closing date for entries is the 7th of April, with an expected start date of the 21st of April, leading to an end date of 22/02/2025 with any remaining games going to Adjudication. The entry fee is £15 per team and entries should be sent to the Tournament Organiser, Russell Sherwood, who will confirm payment options.

Players in established teams should contact their team captains. New players wishing to take part should contact Phil Beckett (ENG) , Dave Kilgour (SCO) or Russell Sherwood(WLS) for encouragement and advice on possible teams. As a reminder, place of birth, education or residence are all valid qualification reasons for team membership.

The rules may be found here

#Cdccc #Correspondencechess #Iccf

Welsh Correspondence Chess Championships

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Championship 2023 is now over with Nick Bishop being the well deserved Champion. Followed by DP Morgan and Marc Wakeham.

Cross Table (

Peter Bevan wins the Qualifiers, followed by Vaughan Thomas.

Cross Table (

Following the AGM, the Welsh Championships will now commence on an annual basis, with the next event starting on Feb 28th 2024., with a closing date of Feb 15th. The Entry window is now open:

  1. Entry is free for Welsh-flagged players.
  2. Nick Bishop, DP Morgan, Peter Bevan and Vaughan Thomas are automatically qualified to the Final, beyond this allocation will be on a rating basis.
  3. Lower-rated players can request placement in the 2nd tier of the event.

More detailed rules can be found at WCCC Rules (


Entries or Enquiries  should be made to Russell Sherwood

#Iccf #Wccf

SCCA League Teams

The WCCF are seeking to enter teams into the SCCA League.

These are quite relaxed events, with 4 games per play in 4 player teams.

Cross Table (

There are three divisions and are suitable for players of all ratings.

If you are interested in taking part please get in touch with Russell Sherwood


#Iccf #SccaLeague #TeamEvent

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

On behalf of WCCF, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!


2nd CCM Norm and Title for Peter Grayson

Congratulations to Peter Grayson on achieving a 2nd CCM Norm and the Title in EFCC 60 RUBY

#CcmNorm #CcmTitle #Iccf #Wccf

WCCF Invitationals

WCCF 14,15,16 and 17 are underway. Good luck to all the players involved.

WCCF 14 Cat 3  IM +2, CCM =0, CCE -1

WCCF 15 Cat 6 SIM +2, IM +1

WCCF 16 Cat 8 GM +2, SIM +1, IM +1, CCM -1

WCCF 17 Cat 10 GM +1, SIM +1, IM=0

#Correspondencechess #Iccf #WccfInvitationals

CCM Norm for Gerald Jenkins

Congratulations to Gerald Jenkins on achieving a CCM Norm. 

#Norms #Wccf

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