
User Namelatvija
Location Albany, California, United States
Local Time19:11
AccountTrial Member
Date RegisteredFriday, 12 November 2004
Last MoveMonday, 13 October 2014
Moves6,240 (0 this month)
Forum Posts2 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2223 (350)


I obtained the autographs of Boris SPASSKY and Max EUWE at a 1980 chess tournament. I used to work the wall board--in the mid 1960's--at Chicago tournaments. Robert BYRNE used to live in Indianapolis and played frequently in Chicago. I had him sign my copy of the "Chess Review" article making his GM final norm at a tournament in Buenos Aires. I am a US Chess Federation Life Member.

* Dievam un Latvijai *

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