
User Namerampichino
Location Viterbo, Italy
Local Time03:14
Date RegisteredTuesday, 31 October 2006
Last MoveWednesday, 07 February 2024
Moves11,935 (0 this month)
Forum Posts37 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1212 (314)
Rating (Chess960)1199 (350)
TeamArmata Brancaleone
TeamChess Improvement Club
TeamFICS tournaments
TeamICCF Rated International Friendly Matches
ICCF Rating1800


I DON'T USE A COMPUTER (To Generate Moves) IN MY CC GAMES BECAUSE: My opponent may have a better computer My computer may play a stupid move I can't take credit for a win I can't take credit for a draw I'll have to share the glory with a machine if I win I'll have to share my trophy with a machine if I win I'll be contributing to the death of CC I HOPE THAT MY OPPONENT ALSO DON'T USE A COMPUTER.......:-)


Please visit my correspondence chess website! https://slowchess.org/

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