User Name | tacticrules |
Location | Berlin , Germany |
Local Time | 12:27 PM |
Account | Trial Member |
Date Registered | Monday, May 29, 2006 |
Last Move | Saturday, September 4, 2010 |
Moves | 22,005 (0 this month) |
Forum Posts | 39 (0 this month) |
Rating (Standard Chess) | 1710 (350) |
Rating (Chess960) | 1450 (350) |
Team | Einladung |
Team | The German Eagles & Friends |
Team | The Youth League |
I am an amatuer chess player. I enjoy playing chess daily but I am no pro.
I am a Computer Scientist. As a profession I do computer/Network Security. My newest project at the moment is to program a chess program.
I have many interests but chess and computers are my favorites!