
User NameFlameViper
Location Adelaide (In South Australia), New Zealand
Local Time11:15
AccountTrial Member
Date RegisteredWednesday, 19 April 2006
Last MoveThursday, 05 February 2009
Moves6,524 (0 this month)
Forum Posts697 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1342 (350)
Rating (Chess960)1143 (350)
TeamTeam ANZAC
TeamTeam New Zealand
TeamThe Youth League


Hi - I'm a 17-year-old guy from Adelaide in South Australia (but my father is from New Zealand). I've been playing chess all my life and I have been to team State Finals at which, our team came third in the state. I love friendship regardless of race, appearance, beliefs or culture. My hobbies are watching/playing rugby, computer gaming, writing/playing music and I like Formula 1 Racing.

Hope to have a game with you some time!!!

"All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy - Spike Milligan."

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