
User Namenasmichael
Location Atlanta, United States
Local Time21:10
Date RegisteredFriday, 27 February 2004
Last MoveMonday, 25 December 2023
Moves22,604 (0 this month)
Forum Posts597 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1578 (133)
Rating (Chess960)1478 (142)
Class TournamentsCT Class 3
TeamChess960 All Stars


Teaching abroad now, I am learning another language and enjoying the play of the University students here. Original post from 2004: I am an educator in Atlanta, who when not playing chess enjoys a bit of old jazz, history, some petanque, and tea. I am 'nasmichael' also at Some of my favorite games are in a collection there. I enjoy the chess variant Chess960 and I LOVE Alice Chess (though I don't play much these days). I will enjoy meeting you at the boards.

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