
User Namemichel
Location Montreal, Canada
Local Time02:53
Date RegisteredMonday, 27 September 2010
Last MoveTuesday, 03 July 2018
Moves29,626 (0 this month)
Forum Posts3 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2201 (277) SM Master
Rating (Chess960)2036 (335)
Class TournamentsCT Class 1


I started chess in 1970, age 18. I draw a game in Canadian championship in 1976 against Leonid Shamkovich who had just jump the gate in Ganger airport !
He was aloud to travel because he has won ex aequo the russian championship with the new world champion Anatoly Karpov. My last competition because I was starting my studies in philosophy wich result in a publish PhD in 1986. No regrets.

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