Ulrich Klapp

NameUlrich Klapp
User Nameuklapp
Location Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Local Time03:22
Date RegisteredSaturday, 13 March 2010
Last MoveThursday, 24 August 2023
Moves10,703 (0 this month)
Forum Posts226 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1741 (175)
Rating (Chess960)1537 (170)
Class TournamentsCT Class 3


I play correspondence chess for recreational reason with ambition to improve. SchemingMind is one of the best sites to do so, friendly, instructive and sociable. So if you’re a guest or trial member reading this, be assured that it’s worth the fee (for full membership). This is no marketing, just my honest and private opinion.

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