
User NameNumber34
Location Lat 40.55 Long -74.32, United States
Local Time03:08
Date RegisteredTuesday, 10 November 2009
Last MoveTuesday, 25 November 2014
Moves12,176 (0 this month)
Forum Posts292 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2057 (350) SM Senior Master
Rating (Chess960)1963 (350)
Class TournamentsCT Class 2
TeamICCF Rated International Friendly Matches
TeamSchemingMind International Chess960 Matches
ICCF Rating2168


I've been playing chess since I was around seven years old. Learned at the Boys Club and YMCA. Played a lot of tournaments in my youth. Played while I was in the military, but just casual. Started getting more serious when I got out and joined a local club, but always the same guys. I really like playing on line and meeting new people!


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