
User Nameloco61
Location Nr Koblenz, Rheinland Pfalz, Germany, England
Local Time03:35
Date RegisteredThursday, 08 January 2004
Last MoveSunday, 08 April 2012
Moves49,221 (0 this month)
Forum Posts345 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1557 (350)
Rating (Chess960)1582 (350)
TeamChess960 Match against GM Matthias Kribben
TeamFICS tournaments
TeamMatch against GM Raymond Boger
TeamSchemingMind Club Friendly Matches
TeamSchemingMind International Chess960 Matches
ICCF Rating1800


now 50!, Sussex born, living in Germany since 1997, 2 children who cant beat me at Chess, my Dad was playing here too until he died at home in Sussex in January 2010...he was leading after 13 happy games ... 7-6
i still love him, and if you think showing your emotions in front of a screen is strange i am sorry!

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