
User Namesthorwall
Location Chicago, United States
Local Time20:55
Date RegisteredMonday, 14 July 2008
Last MoveMonday, 11 January 2016
Moves25,813 (0 this month)
Forum Posts936 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2180 (350) SM Master
Rating (Chess960)2313 (348) SM Master
Class TournamentsCT Class 1
TeamChess Improvement Club
TeamChess960 Match against GM Matthias Kribben
TeamICCF Rated International Friendly Matches
TeamMatch against GM Raymond Boger
TeamSchemingMind Club Friendly Matches
TeamScotland the Brave
TeamThe Hounds of SchemingMind
TeamThe US Marshalls
ICCF Rating2090


Writer, Editor, and Philosopher. Graduate of English Literature and Philosophy, former resident and student of Boston and Edinburgh. Love chess and its variants, I've been studying the game since summer '08 and hope to improve greatly. Though I take it quite seriously I play to have fun!

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