Dark Suicide

(Under Construction)

This is one of the most bold of the Suicide Variants. The first thing you'll notice when you start a game is that you can only see half the board. This is because you can only see sqares in your "searchlight" (ie squares that your pieces can move to or attack.) The aim is the same as Suicide and Suicide960 (ie to be the first player to lose all of your pieces) and the rules are also the same (the play is like standard chess except that the king is not royal, if you have a legal capture you must make one, and pawns can promote to kings).

In the event of a stalemate (ie the player to move has no legal moves), the player with the fewest pieces left wins; if both players have the same number of pieces, then the game is a draw.


Example Games

In this game, between guiri1967 and Games Freak we can see that guiri1967 took real advantage of the loose rook, and essentially, won the game with it. This shows the importance of removing the back row pieces as quickly as possible. That problem is also shown here, with the Rook becoming a loose cannon.

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