Full House


62 pieces on normal 64-square board. This game was invented by surfnsuds and as far as we know is unique to SchemingMind.



Start by switching to your materials list. You'll see a nearly complete set of reserve pieces. Only the king is missing. During the first phase of the game, we take turns placing all our pieces on the board. The only restriction is that we may not check the opponent's king. Then we play chess by regular rules.


Example position after all pieces are placed (rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/PPpPPrPN/1pPBnQnb/1pBrpRPq/pbpPpRpN/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR)

Example position after all pieces are placed



Black's king is vulnerable to attack at F7 and so must respond to attacks there. Likewise, if black is not defending against such an attack, white may be attacked similarly at F2. So far, it has not been demonstrated that there exists a forced win. However, players may optionally agree to a truce on those squares, in order to try other more creative attacks.


Example games

Pile up against f7 - typical attack against f7

Playing black. - Example of how to defend and win as black.

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