
User NameSquid
Location Clitheroe, Lancashire, England
Local Time21:36
AccountFull Member
Date RegisteredSunday, 14 August 2011
Last MoveTuesday, 02 April 2024
Moves3,445 (0 this month)
Forum Posts54 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)826 (159)
Rating (Chess960)1250 (350)
TeamThe Old Tewkers


I've been tricked onto this website by my chess genius brother so keep up a strong sense of humour when playing me. A general lack of time has led me to playing my new members mini-tournament like speed chess so we'll see how that particular approach goes. I have however survived the twelve hour Scheming Mind 2011 Social in Manchester so I reckon that I might have something to offer after all. Please note that all chess moves will be fitted in around one wife, three step-daughters, two sons, lots of vinyl, quite a few comic-books and as many pints of Moorhouses bitter as I can sneak in.

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