
User Namebrankat
Location Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Local Time08:31
Date RegisteredSunday, 02 July 2006
Last MoveThursday, 02 April 2020
Moves4,910 (0 this month)
Forum Posts1 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)2277 (241)
Rating (Chess960)1678 (350)


I'm now 65 years young, born and raised in former Yugoslavia, but have been living in Canada for more than 30 years now.

Started playing Chess in 1965, and was awarded a Candidate Master designation in 1970. A year later I stopped my chess pursuits, due, mainly, to obligations of further schooling. (A degree in History and Sociology)

I had not played chess at all, probably didn't even see a chessboard in more than 35 years, until the Fall of 2005, when I discovered, by chance, and then joined my beloved site.

The "first love" found again :-) Now, I usually spent a couple of hours a day on chess related activities.

Best wishes to all members.

Respectfully, Branko.

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