
User Nameufonaut
Location Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Local Time01:15
Date RegisteredTuesday, 25 March 2008
Last MoveSaturday, 31 January 2015
Moves2,480 (0 this month)
Forum Posts9 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1588 (350)
Rating (Chess960)1542 (350)


Originally a pom from London, I came to Australia for a year in '91, but never looked back! Now married with 2, I also enjoy other games ( cards - esp 500) and have just taken up photography. For work, I'm a Java computer programmer.

My user name is because I'm a bit of a space/science buff, and the UFO bit is homage to my favourite TV series when I was a kid (same guys who did Thunderbirds)

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