User Name | erlepettus |
Location | Hillsdale, Michigan, United States |
Local Time | 1:55 PM |
Account | Trial Member |
Date Registered | Friday, May 18, 2007 |
Last Move | Tuesday, July 1, 2008 |
Moves | 2,215 (0 this month) |
Rating (Standard Chess) | 1543 (350) |
Rating (Chess960) | 1499 (350) |
N.B. I'm not taking any more games for a while; not sure what internet access I'll have for the summer. I don't yet know when I'll return here, but I'll recommend it until I do.
I love chess and wish I were better at it. I also love God, and if you think I'm doing anything contrary to His will, I hope you'll tell me (although if you're screwing with me I'll ignore you, and probably think less of you for it). I also love the US Marine Corps and I'm planning to enlist in a year. I also love my studies in Biology and Chemistry. Of these, chess comes last. And I just got a girlfriend, and it comes after her too. If a day passes and I don't move, blame one of the above-mentioned things. I won't care; I already know they're more important. =)