
User Nameerlepettus
Location Hillsdale, Michigan, United States
Local Time1:55 PM
AccountTrial Member
Date RegisteredFriday, May 18, 2007
Last MoveTuesday, July 1, 2008
Moves2,215 (0 this month)
Rating (Standard Chess)1543 (350)
Rating (Chess960)1499 (350)


N.B. I'm not taking any more games for a while; not sure what internet access I'll have for the summer. I don't yet know when I'll return here, but I'll recommend it until I do.

I love chess and wish I were better at it. I also love God, and if you think I'm doing anything contrary to His will, I hope you'll tell me (although if you're screwing with me I'll ignore you, and probably think less of you for it). I also love the US Marine Corps and I'm planning to enlist in a year. I also love my studies in Biology and Chemistry. Of these, chess comes last. And I just got a girlfriend, and it comes after her too. If a day passes and I don't move, blame one of the above-mentioned things. I won't care; I already know they're more important. =)

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