This game is being played under Suicide Chess rules. Click the 'info' tab for more information.
1. e3 e6 Clock started on 1/10/2008
2. Ba6 bxa6 3. b4 Bxb4 4. Qe2 Bxd2 5. Kxd2 Ne7 6. Qxa6 Nxa6 7. c4 c5 8. Na3 f6 9. Nc2 Qc7 10. g3 Qxg3 11. fxg3 Nf5 12. Nb4 cxb4 13. Kc3 Nxe3 14. Bxe3 bxc3 15. Bxa7 Rxa7 16. c5 Nxc5 17. Rb1 White win
Force opponent to capture all your pieces. The game known also as Losing Chess (do not confuse it with Losers though). Suicide has some history - it is known to be reasonably popular in 1930s in Moscow, 1950s in Germany, and many countries afterwards. In Live Chess the game is available on Lichess, gathering more and more interest there.
1. Game rules
The board is setup traditionally, the pieces move and capture as in standard chess, yet the object is to lose all of your pieces.
If either player has a legal capture they must take it. If there are many possible captures, the player is free to choose any of them.
There is no such thing as check, the King is a regular piece, in particular it can be taken. You can even promote pawns to kings. Castling is not permitted.
You win by losing all your pieces.
Mind the special rule in case of stalemate (no legal move)! The side with less material wins (less material means smaller number of pieces, whatever their value is).
2. Game hints
The following quote from Stanislav Goldovski article (broken link?) is crucial for understanding suicide:
(...) contrary to common belief, the strategy of Losing Chess is not giving away your pieces. Instead, illogical as it may seem at first sight, achieving significant material advantage is one of the important strategic steps. Having more material gives you the possibility to 'surround' the opponent with your pieces, gradually restricting him until he runs out of safe moves (zugzwang) , and then - 'ditch' the pieces one by one. To restrict your opponent, you will not only need material advantage, but also advantage in mobility and space. (...)
Opening theory plays very important role in suicide, and can not be ignored even by beginners. To give an example: after 1.e4 black has forced win, same after 1.d4 and 1.d3. The sites linked below contain all the necessary information, so use it - and do not play the moves which immediately lose.
Some unsorted rules of the thumb:
- keep an eye on a3, h3, a6, h6, those squares are frequently used to force the knight or the bishop out,
- keep your king,
- carefully plan your promotions, every kind of promotion may happen to make sense (queen promotion is least frequent)
More suggestions welcome.
3. Example games
Suicide draw - yes, draw is possible
Links to particularly valuable examples are welcome.
4. Additional info
Suicide Opening Book (so called Nilatac's Book)
Les échecs à qui perd gagne de Fabrice Liardet (very good page about suicide - in French)
Game Page Help
The Action Bar
The Action Bar is the most important part of the game screen, this is where you interact with the game by entering moves, conditional moves, comments, draw offers, resignations, and much more (if you are not viewing one of your own games, the Action Bar is not shown). The Action Bar is in four parts, from left to right:
- The Move Input Box: where your move or conditional move is shown; it is possible to type into this box, but not recommended, you can enter your move by dragging and dropping the pieces on the board.
- The Action Selection Dropdown: this is where you select the action you want to do, for example, move, enter a comment, accept a draw offer, claim a draw, etc. Only the actions which are relevant to the current game are shown.
- The Continue Button: this button sends your action back to our server; sometimes you might see a pop-up text box before the action is sent, this is so that you can write a message to your opponent. You can set your preferences so that this box is always shown to confirm you move (under the "Chess Board" tab "Confirm moves before committing), some people find this helpful as a "blunder check".
- The Next Game button: clicking the button will take you to the next game for which it is your move.
The Game Information Panel
Under the Action Bar, you should find the Game Information Panel. This gives you more information about the game; because there is too much information to see on one screen here, it is arranged into "tab"; you can move between the various screens by clicking the buttons, from left to right:
- Game Overview: this tab shows the full history of the game, including comments (you cannot read the comments from another player's game, unless the game is marked as "public"), leave taken, etc. You can click the moves to see the position on the chess board.
- Hide Comments: this tab shows the moves of the game only, without the distraction of the comments shown on the game overview tab.
- Material Balance: this tab shows the captured pieces in the game. If you are playing CrazyHouse chess, or a similar game, you can drag pieces from here to the board to make a "drop".
- Tags: You can "tag" games, this makes it easier to come back to games, you can find the games you have tagged from the game database screen.
- Variant Information: this tab is available for some chess variants, it will show you a description of the variant.
- Opening Information: In standard chess games, this tab will show you information about the chess opening you have been playing, taken from the Game Explorer.
- Analysis Board: Opening this tab will overlay an "analysis board" on the main chess board; you can move the pieces around freely on this board to try out various ideas in the game.
- Engine Analysis: This tab allows you to analyse the game using a chess engine; because the use of engines is not allowed on SchemingMind, this tab is not available for ongoing games.
- Help: If you are reading this, you have already figured out what the help button does!
The Chess Board
The chess board shows the current position in your game; if it is your move, or if you can enter a conditional move, you can drag and drop the pieces on the chess board.
If you wish to castle, simply drag your king over the rook on the side you wish to castle on. When you promote a pawn, you will see a pop-up prompting you to select the promoted piece.
We have a number of different designs for chess boards and pieces, you can select the one you prefer from your personal preferences.
Under the chess board is a navigation toolbar (this toolbar looks slightly different if you are looking at the analysis board).
From left to right:
- Settings: This button will bring up your chess board and pieces display settings.
- Download Game: This button will allow you to download the game in PGN format.
- Copy Position: This button will copy the position to your clipboard.
- Move to Start: This button will show the start position of the game.
- Previous Move: This button will move position shown on the board back one move.
- Next Move: This button will show the next position on the board.
- Last Move: This button will show the current position on the board.
- Flip: This button will show the board from the other player's perspective (by default you see games from White's perspective unless you are Black; you can select an option to always show the board from White's perspective in your personal preferences).
- Animate: If you are not looking at the last move in the game, this button will animate the game from the shown position to the last move.
- Stop Animation: This button will stop the animation.
- Analysis Board: This button will show the Analysis Board (see above).
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